Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some Pick-Ups, Cancelled Shows And Other News

just some quick notes on a few things i've heard over the last day or so in my random web surfings and news listening.

very good news:
- NBC has ordered 25 episodes of My Name Is Earl and The Office which is up from the normal 22. there will also be five hour-long The Office episodes next season
- Scrubs renewed

bad news:
- Scrubs renewed for believed to be only 18 episodes
- Studio 60 canceled: while i had problems with it and it definitely wasn't up to the high-quality of sorkin's last couple shows (The West Wing, Sports Night) it did have some very good writing, it was improving and i was interested in seeing where it could go

i don't care either way news:
- How I Met Your Mother renewed by cbs: it's pretty funny whenever i watch it, but that is rarely
- Jericho canceled by cbs: i was into it for the first few episodes but i lost interest and stopped watching about a third of the way through the season.

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