Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No More Super-Sized Shows At NBC

nbc has announced that they will no longer be doing any super-sized episodes of thier comedies. they still plan on having some hour long episodes of The Office, but no more 37, 40, 45, etc... minute ones.

this will be good news to all the fans of the shows that kept missing parts because the odd times would mess with their tivo's.

i think it probably also has something to do with the fact that the shows aren't huge rating hits like some of their old thursday night comedies. one of the goals of the super-size strategy is to keep people from switching over to another show so that by the time the episode ends it is already into the other networks shows so the viewer will just stay where they are.

this might have worked better when they were super-sizing shows with huge ratings like Friends, but unfortunately their current lineup of thursday night laughers aren't in that category (although they are still the two-funniest consecutive hours of tv ever).

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