Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Keep Looking At Her Eyes

the best part of last nights episode of Age Of Love was when our bachelor was formally introduced to the 20-somethings. first there was amanda who walked out with her bigger then a handful breasts and we hear his voice over say something to the effect of, 'the first thing i noticed was her great smile'. then there was tessa. the blond bimbo with the bigger then bigger then a handful boobs and phillippoussis telling us how it took more effort to keep looking at her eyes then it did to play many of his tennis matches.

now, i mentioned in my last post about the show that they were making all the 20-something chicks appear to be ditsy bimbos with nothing more then their good looks. i also said if after a few more episodes i was wrong i would gladly take those comments back. well i am taking them back... a little.

while a couple of the young women did seem to actually have some substance beyond their beauty, some of these girls continue to live up to their 'less then mensa' expectations. which brings us once again to tessa who fancies herself a smart girl with "good morals and good thoughts" who needs an intellectual guy. of course i understand that this is all heavily edited, and that reality tv editing can probably make stephen hawking look dumb, but i have a feeling the producers picked a few girls knowing they would be delivering those types of gems.

While we have started to see a little cattiness from the older generation, at this point (only 2 episodes in) they are by far being portrayed in a much better light then their younger competition (that 'nothing to say' silence in the hot tub moment inter cut with the older women dancing in the apartment was some great reality tv).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh yes, LOVED that scene in the hot tub with silence and the crickets chirping!!! Great reality TV editing. ;)